Mission Statement: Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. The company believes that everyone is an athlete, and it aims to create products that help people reach their full potential.
skate·board \’s-k8-bor-D\
noun short narrow board with two small wheels fixed to the bottom of either end, on which (as a recreation or sport) a person can ride in a standing or crouching position, propelling themselves by occasionally pushing one foot against the ground.
verb ride on a skateboard. "He was skateboarding along the side of the road with another teenage boy"

Yesterday’s version of the company is versatile and trend setting, and tomorrow's version is real and authentic
Desired Positioning: Authentic, down to earth, respectable, community oriented

Nike SB Storefront
Opening a new Nike store that is specifically tailored to skateboarders, and functions more as a traditional skate shop. It is here that people can buy boards, shoes, and all Nike SB apparel. Raffles and other giveaways will also be done at the store to promote community engagement and connection.
Opening a new Nike store that is specifically tailored to skateboarders, and functions more as a traditional skate shop. It is here that people can buy boards, shoes, and all Nike SB apparel. Raffles and other giveaways will also be done at the store to promote community engagement and connection.

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Skate on.